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Yantra is a sacred geometric design that is used as a tool for meditation and spiritual transformation. The intricate patterns and shapes of the Yantra are believed to represent the divine energies and forces of the universe, and the act of meditating on the Yantra is thought to align one’s own energy with these universal energies.

At Trishay Sansthan, we believe that Yantras have a powerful effect on the mind and spirit. By focusing on the intricate design of the Yantra during meditation, one can calm the mind and enter into a state of deep relaxation and contemplation. This can help to promote spiritual growth and personal transformation.

The Yantras we offer at Trishay Sansthan are carefully selected based on their specific energetic qualities and spiritual significance. We work with our clients to determine the most appropriate Yantra for their needs and intentions, and we provide guidance on how to properly use and meditate with the Yantra.

Overall, Yantras are a powerful tool for spiritual growth and transformation, and we believe that they can be a valuable addition to anyone’s spiritual practice.

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