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Remedies in astrology refer to actions or practices aimed at mitigating the negative effects of certain planetary positions or doshas (imbalances) in one’s birth chart. These remedies are based on the belief that celestial bodies have an influence on human life and that their positions at the time of a person’s birth can affect various aspects of their life.

Here are some common types of remedies in astrology:

1. Gemstone Therapy: Certain gemstones are believed to have specific energies that can counteract the negative influences of particular planets. For example, wearing a ruby (associated with the Sun) might be recommended to strengthen one’s confidence and vitality.

2. Mantra Chanting: Reciting specific mantras associated with particular planets or deities is believed to appease those celestial bodies and reduce their negative effects. Each planet has its own mantra, and chanting it regularly is thought to bring positive energy.

3. Yantra Worship: Yantras are mystical diagrams or symbols associated with specific planets or deities. Worshipping these yantras, either through meditation or rituals, is believed to harness the positive energies associated with them and alleviate negative influences.

4. Charity or Donation: Making donations or performing acts of charity, particularly on days associated with specific planets, is considered a way to appease those planets and reduce their malefic effects.

5. Fasting and Rituals: Observing fasts on specific days associated with certain planets or performing rituals dedicated to those planets is believed to mitigate their negative influences.

6. Astrological Remedial Products: Various astrological products, such as talismans, amulets, or specially prepared oils, are believed to have protective or beneficial properties that can counteract negative astrological influences.

7. Vedic Rituals (Pujas)**: Performing Vedic rituals or pujas under the guidance of a qualified priest or astrologer is considered an effective remedy for mitigating adverse planetary influences.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of these remedies is a matter of belief and faith. While some people swear by them and claim to have experienced positive results, others may not find them effective. Additionally, it’s always recommended to consult a qualified astrologer or expert before undertaking any astrological remedies.

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