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Mantras are believed to work by creating a vibration or frequency that aligns with a specific intention or goal. The repetition of the mantra can help to focus the mind and bring about a state of deep relaxation, which can facilitate healing and spiritual growth.

At Trishay Sansthan, we believe that mantras have a powerful effect on the body, mind, and spirit. When recited with intention and sincerity, mantras can help to:
Quiet the mind and reduce stress and anxiety
Increase focus and concentration
Open the heart and cultivate compassion
Promote physical and emotional healing
Connect us to a higher power or divine energy
We offer a variety of mantras that are tailored to specific needs and intentions, and we work with our clients to determine the most appropriate mantra for their goals and desires. Our experts can provide guidance on how to properly recite and use the mantra, as well as support throughout the journey of spiritual growth and transformation.

Here are some Vedic mantras associated with each planet:

Sun (Surya): “Om Ghrani Suryaya Namah

Moon (Chandra): “Om Som Somay Namah

Mars (Mangala): “Om Anga Angarakay Namah

Mercury (Budha): “Om Bu Budhaya Namah

Jupiter (Guru): “Om Bram Brahspataye Namah

Venus (Shukra): “Om Shu Shukraya Namah

Saturn (Shani): “Om Sham Shanai shwaray Namah

Rahu: “Om Ra Rahave Namah

Ketu: “Om Kem Ketave Namah

Reciting these mantras can help to balance the energies of the corresponding planet in one’s life.

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